JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Tokyo
Completed Research
& Publications
Single-authored book
By Love to Them, I Cease Loving of Thee. Michael Wigglesworth: Journaling Same-Sex Love in the Puritan World. London: Latimer Trust, 2024 (see abstract).
Doctoral thesis
'Puritan Conformity, Church Polity, Anglican Identity, 1628–88'. DPhil Thesis, University of Oxford, 2022 (see abstract).
Book chapter
‘Edward Reynolds and the Making of a Presbyterian Bishop.’ In Reformed Identity and Conformity in the Church of England, 1560–1714. Edited by Jake Griesel and Esther Counsell. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2024, 199–221 (see abstract).
Journal articles
〈有利可圖的復興?再思風俗改革運動的菁英論與大眾化「敬虔市場」〉,《秉燭:漢語公共神學國際學刊》1 卷 1 期(創刊號) [‘A Profitable Revival? The Reformation of Manners and the Popularization of the Market of Piety’, International Journal of Chinese Public Theology 1, no. 1] (December 2024): 52–67 (open access).
‘Providence and Puritan Deceit: John Davenport’s Forgery Revisited.’ Studies in Church History, Volume 60: The Church, Hypocrisy and Dissimulation (June 2024): 264–89 (open access).
‘The Welsh Trust (1674–1681): A Charitable Proposal for Comprehension.’ Journal of Ecclesiastical History 74, no. 3 (July 2023): 516–34 (see abstract).
Book review
Review of Reformed Government: Puritanism, Historical Contingency, and Ecclesiastical Politics in Late Elizabethan England by Polly Ha, The Journal of Religion 104, iss. 2 (Apr 2024): 233–5.